Schedule 2025 trains heading to Germany
What changes as of 15 December 2024?
5 December 2024
ICE International
From 15 December 2024, the ICE train will run directly to Munich! This is the most significant schedule change for next year. But apart from this 'new' train, there will be other schedule changes and track work next year.
Other important changes
- The ICE trains have a convenient schedule, with a train leaving Amsterdam and arriving in Cologne every two hours.
- A number of trains will be extended, allowing more passengers to travel.
- The track works in Germany will mainly take place during the holidays. The ICE train will then go to Germany via Venlo instead of Arnhem. The train will also stop in Venlo. On the return journey, the ICE will stop at Den Bosch instead of Venlo station.
- ICE seat reservations are compulsory from 28 May to 31 August. This reservation is free of charge when you book your train ticket.
Intercity Berlin
Just last year we reported that new carriages for Intercity Berlin would be arriving. Unfortunately, this has been delayed and they will not be running on the Amsterdam-Berlin route until 2026.
Other issues
- This summer, from 7 June to 8 August 2025, work will be carried out in Germany and will seriously affect trains to and from Berlin. Trains will have to take a detour, increasing journey times by more than an hour.
- The seat reservation requirement also applies to Intercity Berlin this summer from 28 May to 31 August. Seat reservations are free of charge when a you book a ticket.
Nightjet to Vienna and Innsbruck
From 15 December, the night train to Austria will take a different route via the border crossing at Bad Bentheim. After Amsterdam, the Nightjet will only stop at Amersfoort and Deventer for passengers travelling to southern Germany or Austria. The first stop in Germany will be Münster. In Nuremberg, the train will be split, with the front section going to Innsbruck and the rear section to Vienna.
On a number of days next year, work will be carried out on the tracks in the Netherlands and Germany, which will change the route. The train will then call at Arnhem or use the Hanze line.
Nightjet to Zurich
This night train will run via Venlo all year round. The train will call at Eindhoven and not stop at Venlo station on the outbound and return journeys. It will depart from Amsterdam half an hour later but will arrive in Cologne at the scheduled time. This means you gain half an hour of time. The same applies to the return journey from Zurich to Amsterdam.
Plenty of work to do
Engineering works in Germany... what exactly is happening? And how will it affect my trip? Can I still book?